Submissions can only be made in “.pdf” format, either as a full paper or a poster. You need to choose the option at the time of submission.
The submission of papers for SIGE will be through the JEMS system using the link provided above.
If you do not have a JEMS account yet, click on the link “create your account here.” Fill in the required fields and then click on “New User” at the bottom of the page. A confirmation of registration and your initial password will be sent to the email you provided, which you can change later.
After logging into the JEMS system with your user account, find the option “XXVII SIGE” in the table “Accepting paper registration and upload.”
Choose the submission mode among the available options (“Full Paper” or “Poster Presentation”) by clicking on the corresponding “submit paper” button, highlighted in orange.
On the opened page, fill in the fields associated with:
- Authors (all authors should be selected here and all of them should be registered in the JEMS system);
- Paper title: Include only the title of the work, without any author identification or affiliations;
- Paper abstract: Provide the Abstract, up to 150 words, followed by 3 keywords. The first keyword should match the name of the main classification area of the work, chosen from those indicated in the “Paper Topics” field below;
- Paper topics: Check the area(s) related to the submitted paper.
Confirm that the Track field corresponds to your chosen option: “Full Paper” or “Poster Presentation.”
Choose the presentation type under Category, either “In-Person or Online” or “Online Only.” (If you choose “In-Person or Online,” be aware that the Organizing Committee will determine which papers will be presented in person or virtually and will communicate this to the authors in advance).
Click on “Submit.”
On the next page, click on:
- Edit: If you wish to modify the entered data; or
- Upload: If you want to upload the “.pdf” file of your work.