2020 |
Proposal of Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy Assisted by Microwave Photonics Proceedings Article André Paim Gonçalves; Renan Miranda Richter; Felipe Streitenberger Ivo; Alessandro Roberto Santos; Robson Ribeiro Carreira; Olympio Lucchini Coutinho Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: analog-link, Decoy, electronic warface, fiber-optic, não disponível, radar signals @inproceedings{Andr\'{e}2020n\~{a}ob, This article proposes the concept of a decoy that could be used against anti-radiation missiles (ARMs). The bait signals are generated remotely and transmitted to the sacrificial antenna site over a fiber optic network. This network has the possibility to support broadband radar signals in the range of a few GHz. This study postulated a distance of 1 km in relation to its park of antennas, however, this distance may be greater. This analog fiber link was designed for radar signal transmission in the frequency range of 0.3 to 3 GHz. The theoretical results were compared with the experimental ones and it was observed that the behavior of the radar signal power gain in the studied range is straight, thus the signal does not present distortions. The system proposed in this study is promising as a distraction for ARMs. |
2006 |
DESENVOLVIMENTO DE TECNOLOGIA APLICADA AO CONTROLE DE SISTEMAS DE AUTODEFESA Proceedings Article Elói Fonseca; Wagner Chiepa Cunha Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Autodefesa, Chaff, Contramedidas Eletrônicas, Decoy, Flare, Guerra Eletrônica, Squib @inproceedings{El\'{o}i2006Decoyb, Pesquisa visando o desenvolvimento de tecnologia em sistemas de autodefesa, através de controle interativo de liberação de decoys de Chaff e Flare, para a aplicação em proteção de uma aeronave, tendo por base a análise das características dos mesmos, além dos requisitos de proteção necessários à plataforma aérea. A capacidade de integração a outros sistemas, flexibilidade dos algoritmos, além de minimização dos obstáculos à adaptação física nas aeronaves são as principais características a serem atingidas. Palavras-chave Decoy, Chaff, Flare, Squib, Autodefesa, Contramedidas Eletrônicas, Guerra Eletrônica. |