2017 |
ASTROS 2020 - Um estudo de caso da análise multidisciplinar da segurança Proceedings Article Rodrigues, Moisés Silva; Barbieri, Sidnei Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ASTROS 2020, Safety, STPA @inproceedings{Mois\'{e}s2017safetyb, Sendo a segurança, caracterizada por suas dimensões safety e security, um requisito inerente a qualquer projeto de sistemas, verifica-se ser fundamental que a mesma seja sempre objeto de análise no gerenciamento de riscos, devendo estar presente desde as fases iniciais da concepção até um eventual descarte. Assim, o presente trabalho se propõe a apresentar algumas técnicas de análise de safety, com suas diferenças e similaridades, exemplificando sua aplicação, tendo, para isso, como objeto o Sistema de lançamento múltiplo de foguetes ASTROS 2020, atualmente em desenvolvimento no Brasil. |
2011 |
A Methodology for Monitoring the Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Category I Integrity Risk Proceedings Article Elias, Paulo; Saotome, Osamu Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: GBAS, Integrity, Risk, Safety @inproceedings{Paulo2011GBASb, This paper describes a method to accomplish the Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS) signal-in-space integrity risk monitoring for a ground station specified by ICAO, Annex 10, Vol. 1 and RTCA DO-245A, which is a mandatory requirement to meet the certification aspects for a Ground-Based Augmentation System (GBAS) ground station. The methodology described here is based on the Risk Tree Analysis (RTA) technique, which is an optional way to design and develop an engineering solution named as integrity risk monitor (IRM) that assures the integrity risk requirement for standard system architecture. The results demonstrated here is regarding to the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of solution, which are met through the system architecture and the system safety assessment process, in special by risk assessment concepts. Finally, the integrity risk monitor (IRM) explained here is an optional architectural solution (a practical way) which have demonstrated a satisfactory result to meet the certification basis of the Aeronautical Authorities. Keywords –- GBAS, Risk, Integrity, Safety. |