2017 |
Electronic Warfare Training Applications of Decision-Support Systems Proceedings Article Osner, N R; Plessis, W P Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: decision-support, electronic warfare EW @inproceedings{N2017Electronicb, Electronic warfare (EW) and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as a whole are often poorly understood due to their complex nature and the number of unique aspects inherent to the field. Therefore, better training that places a greater emphasis on a visual and interactive approach rather than a purely theoretical or mathematical one is required. One way in which this can be achieved is through the use of EW decision- support systems. These can be used at a higher level to assist EW decision makers in identifying situations where better countermeasure allocations can be made, or at a lower level to help military personnel to understand the interactions inherent in the EMS. One such system is discussed along with an example scenario that demonstrates how it can be applied to these training applications. |
2013 |
Challenges and Opportunities Associated with University Collaboration in Electronic-Warfare Research Proceedings Article Plessis, Warren P Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: and defence industry, Collaboration, electronic warfare EW, re-search initiatives, research and development @inproceedings{Warren2013Collaborationb, Collaboration between defence forces, defence in- dustry and universities is becoming ever more important in the field of electronic warfare (EW). EW deals with operations the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), and as such, covers an extremely broad range of technologies. This observation, coupled with the extremely rapid advances in commercial uses of the EMS, means that it is no longer possible for defence forces and defence industries to adequately monitor developments in all technologies relevant to EW. University researchers play a major role in driving new EMS technologies, so collaboration with university researchers is thus essential to remain abreast of trends which affect EW. However, the different roles of defence forces, defence industry and universities lead to a number of potential obstacles to achieving meaningful collaboration. This paper reviews some of these challenges, makes suggestions as to how they can be overcome, and highlights some successful examples from around the world. |
Electronic-Warfare Training Using Low-Cost Software-Defined Radio Platforms Proceedings Article Plessis, Warren P Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Education and training, electronic warfare EW @inproceedings{Warren2013Educationb, Skilled electronic warfare (EW) professionals are in greater demand today than ever before. However, the vast range of concepts and technologies relevant to EW makes effective training of large numbers of EW professionals extremely chal- lenging. The use of open software-defined radio (SDR) platforms is proposed as an effective, low-cost means of overcoming this problem in the radio frequency (RF) aspects of EW. A number of examples using a low-cost receiver system are presented to demonstrate the value of this approach to EW training. |
2012 |
Practical Implications of Recent Cross-Eye Jamming Research Proceedings Article Plessis, Warren P Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Cross-eye jamming, elec-, electronic warfare EW @inproceedings{Warren2012Cross-eyeb, Research into retrodirective cross-eye jamming has been conducted at the CSIR since 2007. The main results of this research are summarised in this paper, including the fact that a retrodirective cross-eye jammer can break a monopulse radar lock. The effect of system tolerances and platform skin return have also been quantified, and the construction of an operational system has been shown to be less challenging than is usually assumed. A simple cross-eye laboratory demonstrator was constructed using in-house DRFM technology and was successfully tested against a monopulse radar. |