2016 |
A Synchronous Wrapper for Asynchronous Pipeline Modules in a Synchronous Design in FPGAs Proceedings Article Oliveira, Duarte L; Garcia, Kledermon; Faria, Lester A; Delsoto, Higor A; Romano, Leonardo Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: AFSM, GSLA, logic asynchronous, XBM specification @inproceedings{Duarte2016XBMb, Taking advantage of both synchronous and asynchronous paradigms, a new style of design, called Globally Synchronous Locally Asynchronous (GSLA), has obtained very interesting results. In this paper, we propose a synchronous wrapper that allows the communication of asynchronous modules with a synchronous environment. The proposed synchronous wrapper comprises a locally asynchronous pipeline module. This asynchronous pipeline style shows to be interesting for FPGA platforms due to the simplicity of its controller. Through a case study, a 5th order FIR filter, it is shown that the proposed wrapper presents a reduction of 4% in the power consumption when compared with a synchronous pipeline design. The synchronous wrapper allows the asynchronous pipeline modules to interact with other synchronous modules up to a frequency of 500MHZ. For the case study, the synchronous wrapper provided an increase of 200% in global clock rate. KeywordsXBM specification, AFSM, logic asynchronous, GSLA. |