2016 |
Modified Greedy Algorithm for Prolonging the Lifetime of Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Proceedings Article Guimarães, Dayan Adionel; Sakai, Lucas Jun; Alberti, Antonio Marcos; Souza, Rausley Adriano Amaral Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Lifetime improvement, mobile wireless @inproceedings{Dayan2016Lifetimeb, To design efficient algorithms for improving the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, one must strike a balance between minimizing the unused residual energy in the sensors nodes’ batteries at the network death moment, and minimizing the energy spent to report sensory information to the sink node. A centralized greedy algorithm does this by exploring both real- time channel state and residual energy information. This paper presents a modified greedy algorithm that relax on the real- time requirements of the greedy algorithm, bringing flexibility between privileging equalized energy consumptions at the ex- pense of reduced lifetimes, or privileging burst-like transmissions in favor of longer lifetimes. Instead of exploring current channel and residual energy information, the new algorithm uses past information on expected consumptions of the sensor nodes, thus yielding a less complex implementation. Comparisons with the greedy algorithm are made to demonstrate the potential lifetime improvements achieved with the proposed one. |