2017 |
Analysis of a redundant input stage for mitigating radiation effects on a two-stages Miller compensated Operational Amplifiers Proceedings Article Cavalcante, Tássio Côrtes; Faria, Lester Abreu Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Operational amplifiers, Radiation Effects @inproceedings{T\'{a}ssio2017Operationalb, In the context of Defense applications, high- performance and reliable systems are required in order to assure that no failures will occur when protecting a country’s sovereignty. In the last years, the dependence on imported technological goods has increased in Brazil, as the technology advances continuously, and many embargoes have hindered the development of critical areas. One of these areas is the spatial area, and more specifically, the design of rad-hard systems for spatial applications. Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps) are one of the basic building cells on analog integrated circuits, being used for many different applications. However, for them to work properly, they need a good matching of the transistors, which make them prone to fail with radiation. This work presents a strategy for reducing this impact of radiation on the Two-stage- Miller-compensated OpAmp by duplicating its input stage. LTSpice software was used for simulation using 0.35µm CMOS technology process C35B4C3 of AustriMicroSystems and results show that the redundant OpAmp presents a better performance than the traditional one. The device performance was verified positively, showing a high potential to practical implementations. |