title = {Code for Blast Analysis using the Finite Element Method Jeferson Rafael Bueno1, Pierre L\'{e}ger2, Daniel D. Loriggio3, Augusto C. de Sousa4 1Federal University of Technology \textendash Paran\'{a} (UTFPR), Campo Mour\~{a}o/PR \textendash Brasil1 2\'{E}cole Polytechnique de Montr\'{e}al \textendash Universit\'{e} de Montr\'{e}al, Montr\'{e}al/QC \textendash Canad\'{a} 3Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florian\'{o}polis/SC \textendash Brasil 4Noise \& Vibration Research Group, KU Leuven \textendash Belgium},
author = {Abstract Shock at},
url = {https://www.sige.ita.br/edicoes-anteriores/2018/st/ST_01_3.pdf},
year = {2018},
date = {2018-01-01},
booktitle = {Simp\'{o}sio de Aplica\c{c}\~{o}es Operacionais em \'{A}reas de Defesa 2018 (SIGE2018)},
abstract = {Shock waves generated by explosions move at supersonic speeds with great pressure and temperature, and not only incapacitate military and civilians, but also damage buildings and nearby areas. In many cases, damage can lead to the total or partial collapse of the target building and other facilities close to it. There are several programs for blast analysis, however, obtaining such licenses is almost impossible in countries with limited research resources. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present a MatLab code developed for blast analysis using the Finite Element Method. The code was developed for numerical analysis of hemispherical surface burst using an equivalent quantity of TNT, based on the Kingery-Bulmash equations. Numerical results were compared with experimental data from others publications with great convergence.},
keywords = {Blast Loads, Explosion, shock wave},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Shock waves generated by explosions move at supersonic speeds with great pressure and temperature, and not only incapacitate military and civilians, but also damage buildings and nearby areas. In many cases, damage can lead to the total or partial collapse of the target building and other facilities close to it. There are several programs for blast analysis, however, obtaining such licenses is almost impossible in countries with limited research resources. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present a MatLab code developed for blast analysis using the Finite Element Method. The code was developed for numerical analysis of hemispherical surface burst using an equivalent quantity of TNT, based on the Kingery-Bulmash equations. Numerical results were compared with experimental data from others publications with great convergence.